
Ravens and RiverMead Read!

Franklin Pierce Project Grant-2019

Ever since I was a little girl, I was always surrounded by people from prior generations. It was and still is fascinating to me to learn about what life and society was like for them. It is so amazing hearing their stories as well as how their stories inspire my generation and future generations to make a difference and do good for the world. After hearing about their experiences it encourages me and hopefully others to focus on what is important and help to make the world a better place. I believe it is up to us to make the change we want to see in the world.

Franklin Pierce Projct Grant

On February 17, 2020, with the help of the Sigma Tau Delta Chapter Project Grant, we went to RiverMead LifeCare Community in Peterborough, NH. The novel that was going to be discussed was Red: Passion and Patience in the Desert by Terry Tempest Williams. When I began reading the novel, I immediately connected it to my Romanticism course since that course talked about nature and how my generation tends to take Nature for granted. The course also encouraged us to spend time in nature without any distractions. Everyone who attended the book discussion was fortunate enough to be given a copy of the book that we were able to keep and can reread and reflect on when needed. The discussion was moderated by Iota Omega Chapter Advisor, Sarah Dangelantonio, who invited everyone to partake in the book discussion. We began by introducing ourselves and telling everyone where we are from; it was a great way to connect with everyone and have a more intimate experience for everyone.

When the conversation began to take off, everyone felt comfortable to share their thoughts and even talked about important topics such as global warming and how that affects that land and environment that we all live in. Louisa Birch, resident of RiverMead, shared that “discussing a book with a younger generation helps me to understand the book through a different lens and broadens my appreciation of the author’s intent” and she further states that “a two generation conversation of a book brings a different perspective to both the college students and retired members” who are participating in the discussion. Having different perspectives on the topic from two different generations is really special because it is a learning experience and a better understanding of what life was like, how it has changed, and what can be done to restore the damage that has been done. Another resident of RiverMead, Susie Catlin, tells us that it is “great fun to hear what young adults are thinking and expressing these days; . . . their point of view can vary so widely from ours! I feel it is a good idea to exchange, listen to generational opinions, and experiences as often as possible. Understanding generates respect for creative thinking for the young and not so young. Thank you for letting us share our worlds!” My experiences from the Ravens at RiverMead book discussion are memories I will forever cherish and I will miss being a part of it.

For future sessions of Ravens and RiverMead Read! I would suggest even more advertising and explain to students and faculty how the discussion works. Perhaps looking at different times to schedule the discussion could lead to even more participation from students at Franklin Pierce. A later evening time might allow more student and faculty to attend because they will not have class conflicts. Perhaps we could also encourage faculty to offer non-Sigma Tau Delta students extra credit in a class if they attend the event. I think it is important to engage with literature and express your thoughts and opinions; it encourages others to want to be involved and promotes a more meaningful experience.

JMorales-headJillian Morales
Chapter Project Grant Recipient, 2019-2020
Iota Omega Chapter, Project Director
Franklin Pierce University, Rindge, NH


Sigma Tau Delta Project Grants

Sigma Tau Delta’s Project Grants are designed to encourage local chapters to be innovative in developing projects that further the goals of the Society. The Society will award a limited number of grants, for no more than $500 each, to support local chapter activities. Funds may be requested for separate projects or for parts of larger projects, and chapters should explore ways to use Project Grants in combination with funds secured from other sources. Funds may be requested for ongoing projects, but there is no guarantee that projects funded during one grant period will receive funding in future grant periods.

Applications must be complete and received by November 9, 2020. No late submissions will be accepted. Award winners will be notified by December 7, 2020, with one-half of the awarded funds mailed in early January; the other half when a final project reflection is submitted. The Final Project Reflection is due May 1, 2021.

Sigma Tau Delta Project Grant Resources

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English Careers Event

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