“Life changing” is often the phrase I use to describe my Sigma Tau Delta Journal Internship experience: I knew it when I submitted my application and felt it when I received the call. English students often receive a lot of grief for their passion, as language studies are often regarded as a meaningless, unprofitable pursuit. But opportunities like this publishing internship—which provided me with great behind-the-scenes insight and which reinforced my comprehension of, and confidence in, journal production—illustrate the broadly applicable nature of the expansive and beautifully complex world of English. I learned about the career I am to professionally pursue and reminisce appreciatively on everything.
Reading member submissions and identifying their merits was a favorite editing phase of mine; I could properly recognize and appreciate the care embedded in the fibers of every word. Conferring with the other interns was integral during this stage. Our conversations were always eye-opening and crucial to me, as I always discovered something new to admire about a submission. Working for these journals, and even before in other editor roles, I continuously found it necessary to be flexible in initial impressions because they can (and likely will) change after discussion with peers. Making personal notes and praising the exceptional qualities while noting minor issues, makes the difference when ensuring each work is thoroughly considered. It was gratifying to identify these things and uphold the pieces’ integrity while working with an equally diligent team.
In the editing stage, we utilized Dr. Mark Hatala’s MLA handbook, MLA Made Easy: Your Concise Guide to the 9th Edition, as a good guide, and I referred to it for citation guidance. It was of the utmost importance that I leave the stories’ integrity intact as I reviewed; I felt responsibility to the authors to edit with great awareness—conserving their voice, writing style, tone, intention, and impression while simultaneously working per our guides. Ethical editing is essential, and I was enthused to illuminate another artist’s artistry by exercising that need.
The $300 stipend we received every month was incredibly helpful, especially considering that I recently graduated and wanted a fulfilling experience. I moved into a new home and wanted to focus solely on my career development, and, although I had a job, the stipend was the boost I needed to support my goals. I was pleased to be able to sustain my relationships, establish a stable work schedule, and continue to evolve in the local English community with the funding. Also, like many editors, it is my greatest aspiration to publish my own work, and I was able to continue writing while interning. Every editor has different tastes, and as Sigma Tau Delta readies a new group of certainly deserving interns, they, too, will have their own differences, expectations, and preferences. Knowing general quality standards and recognizing what works aids in the revision process.
I am an immensely grateful and blessed English admirer who got to spend the first quarter of post-graduation with the internship of her dreams. Everything I learned, the broad space of publishing, the finer, meticulous details of editing, the value of varied perspectives of brilliant colleagues, the becoming of myself, all contribute to the steady progression and growth of my passion. Whether I am clanking out a story for publication, turning my track changes on to get to work, or even standing in a classroom somewhere, educating the next generation of writers, I know I will have the Sigma Tau Delta Journal Internship to thank for getting me there.
Check out Raisa’s hard work by claiming your copy of the 2025 Sigma Tau Delta Centennial Journals!
Raisa Harris
Sigma Tau Delta Journal Internship Recipient, 2024
Alpha Nu Gamma Chapter
The University of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg, Hattiesburg, MS
Sigma Tau Delta Journal Internship
A three-month internship opportunity is available with the Sigma Tau Delta Journals. This opportunity will provide as many as three Sigma Tau Delta student members (undergraduate or graduate) with editorial and publication experience. These interns will work with the Managing Editor from May 15 to August 15, averaging 10 hours per week. Internships are remote and therefore require reliable internet access. Each intern will be paid $300 per month.
Interns may not submit for publication in the journals on which they are working.
Job Summary
Under the Managing Editor’s direction interns:
- Read and evaluate submissions
- Edit accepted submissions for publication
- Communicate regularly via email and/or video conference with the Managing Editor
Skills and Abilities
Interns should have:
- Excellent written communication skills
- Ability to meet deadlines
- Strong work ethic
- Editorial experience
- Computer literacy
Applicants must be active student members of a Sigma Tau Delta chapter at the time of application and should be familiar with the most recent issues of the Sigma Tau Delta journals. Please submit questions about the journal internship to the Managing Editor at [email protected].
Applications for summer 2025 will be accepted on the AwardSpring platform through February 3, 2025, at 4:00 p.m. CT.
Required Materials
- Well written cover letter to the Managing Editor of Publications
- Relevant resume/CV
- Short answer responses to application questions
Reflections and Revelations: My Incredible Experience as a Sigma Tau Delta Journal Intern
Develop Your Editing Skills with the Sigma Tau Delta Journal Internship
Finding What’s Next: My Transformative Experience as a Sigma Tau Delta Journal Intern
The Summer I Became an Editorial Intern for the Sigma Tau Delta Journals
Formation and Cultivation: The Impact of the Sigma Tau Delta Journal Internship
Grammar and Lit. Theory in Praxis: A Sigma Tau Delta Journal Internship
Building Confidence and a Career in Publishing: Interning with Rectangle and Review
Once an Editor, Always an Editor: Thoughts from a Sigma Tau Delta Journal Intern
Sigma Tau Delta Journal Internship: Answering the Dreaded “What’s Next?”
Anxiety Relief from . . . an Internship?
7 Reasons You Should Apply for Sigma Tau Delta’s Journal Internship
Apply for a Sigma Tau Delta Journal Internship
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