Elle Hardoin is a senior Literature Major at the University of Evansville. Having become a member in 2021, she currently holds the position of Student Representative for the Midwestern Region for the 2023-2024 term. On UE’s campus, she is on the executive board of the Archery Club and Intersectional Pro-Choice Assembly. She loves sharing interests with others, from anime to K-dramas to telenovelas to books!
- I chose to become an English Major because of its interdisciplinary nature. I can do what I love, reading and writing, while discussing important issues like mental health, politics, feminism, etc., or silly, fun topics like who is the best Spice Girl!
- My favorite part of being an English Major is how impactful it can be. The discussions had in class and the writing produced will impact our own perspectives and values, as well as our peers’.
- The last book I read was Circe by Madeline Miller. It was a fast read, only because I couldn’t put it down, but I had no idea how much it would affect me until the last few pages.
- My favorite series is A Court of Thorns and Roses series by Sarah J. Maas. I cannot get enough of the fantasy world she creates as well as the diverse characters represented.
- Some book characters I identify with are Esther in The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath, Emma in Reason to Breathe by Rebecca Donovan, Eeyore in Winnie-the-Pooh by A. A. Milne, Nesta in A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas, and maybe Rachel in The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins.
- The last book I bought was Wales at War: Critical Essays on Literature and Art edited by Tony Curtis, which I am in the middle of reading.
- My favorite book to movie adaptation is The Princess Bride by William Goldman, but solely because the movie is amazing. I still need to read the book.
- I’m equally a writer and a reader.
- My favorite style of writing is narrative.
- My go-to children’s book is The Three Billy Goats Gruff, is which is a Norwegian fairytale originally collected by Peter Christen Asbjørnsen and Jørgen Engebretsen Moe.
- My favorite childhood memory is playing pretend with my sister and friends, whether it was pretend fairies, witches, or school.
- Growing up, I was sure I would be a first grade teacher, like Mrs. Grinslad.
- My first job was filing at a law office.
- My dream job is to be a position that involves reading, writing, analysis, and communication that also is impactful towards my community.
- I like to spend my free time consuming all types of media (movies, tv shows, books, articles, podcasts), crafting, doing crosswords, and spending time with my fiancee and friends.
Glasgow, Scotland - The destination at the top of my travel bucket list is Finland. They are known for reading the most comics, drinking the most coffee, and having the best education system. I’m fascinated.
- The literary place I’d most like to visit is Velaris, the City of Starlight from A Court of Thorns and Roses.
- If I could move anywhere in the world, I’d live in Glasgow, Scotland.
- If I was stranded on a desert island, the three things I would bring with me are a library, a movie theater, and the comfiest bed.
- The one song I could listen to on repeat is “Feel Good” by the Raury and B.o.B.
- The best gift I ever received was a bouquet of flowers on a hard and overwhelming day, paired with a bottle of wine.
- The best gift I’ve ever given is a copy of Emmet Otter’s Jug-Band Christmas with a bunch of my dad’s favorite candies.
- If you find me in the kitchen, I’m typically whipping up grilled cheese and tomato soup. It’s my “I’m not hungry but I need to eat” meal.
- If I could try any food from a book or series, it would be Wonka’s Magic Chewing Gum, also known as 3-Course Dinner Gum from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl.
- The author (dead or alive) I’d most like to spend a day with is Jane Austen.
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