Society Wide

Sigma Tau Delta Supports the AAPI Community

AAPI Statement-040121-1

This spring, America has once again unhappily witnessed yet another outbreak of cultural deprecation and anti-diversity violence. Recent news of the shameful violence against the Asian-American community, including the murder of six Asian-American women in the mass shooting in Atlanta, has drawn national attention to a more than 150% increase in attacks on Asian-Americans and others of Asian descent. Sigma Tau Delta strongly condemns all attacks—physical and verbal—on the Asian, Asian-American, and the Pacific Islander communities (AAPI).

Our nation tragically mishandled the COVID-19 epidemic—an epidemic that has unequally disadvantaged communities of color and that has shone a light on systemic injustices suffered by non-white groups across America. AAPI communities across America have been unfairly blamed, stigmatized, and targeted by bigots. This discrimination and prejudice must be resisted, ended, and punished. And our laws against hate crimes against all marginalized communities must be strengthened and enforced.

Sigma Tau Delta fully supports the inclusion of all of our nation’s inhabitants in our communal life. We mourn with the communities who have lost loved ones, over the businesses that have had to close, and with those who fear for their lives each time they step outside their homes.


Stop AAPI Hate
The National Coalition for Asian Pacific Americans Community Development
How to Respond to Coronavirus Racism
The AAPI Reading List
A Reading List to Celebrate Asian Authors, From Members of TIME’s Asian Community
Watch 150 Years of Asian American History Unfold in this Documentary
PBS—Asian Americans

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