Sarah FaulknerFar Western Region Student Representative, 2011-2012Chapman University The Big Easy, NOLA, Nawlins, and The Crescent City: all different names...
2012 Convention
Janine, the High Plains Student Representative, wrote a creative response to her experience at the Fall Board meeting. While she used this for class, it is...
Amy WoodyEastern Region Student Representative, 2011-2012Westfield State University All that Jazz What happens at a Board meeting? It’s a legitimate...
Alexandra ReznikStudent Advisor, 2011-2012Duquesne University and Kelsey Hixson-BowlesStudent Advisor, 2011-2012Kansas State University “Do you know what...
Jolie HicksSouthwestern Region Student Representative, 2011-2012 Southwestern Oklahoma State University Beyond Words: The Convention of Opportunity The...