Rachel Harvey is a 22-year-old English Major in her senior year and is currently attending Friends University. She is the president of Alpha Theta Beta Chapter of Sigma Tau Delta in the High Plains Region and is the Senior Student Representative for the High Plains Region. She’s actively involved in volunteer work in her community and recently won an award for service from her chapter. She loves gaming, comic books, and all things nerdy and horror related.
- I chose to become an English Major because I always had a love for books and writing. I also had a professor at community college who inspired me to make English my major.
- My favorite part of being an English Major is getting to travel to conferences. Recently, I had the opportunity as an English Major to travel to England and I loved it. I enjoy being able to travel and find kindred spirits.
- The last book I read was The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde.
- My favorite book is The Chronicles of Narnia by C. S. Lewis. I think I’m probably a bit biased as it was the first book I actually owned as a kid. I still have a box set from the 70s in my room.
- A book character I identify with is Junie B. Jones from the Junie B. Jones series by Barbra Park. As a kid and even as an adult, I loved how eccentric, honest, and (frankly) clueless she is, and it makes her relatable to me..
- The last book I bought was Lockwood and Co: The Hollow Boy by Jonathan Stroud, and I have read it. The whole series is a great read, and I enjoy a good ghost story!
- My favorite book to series adaptation is Holes by Louis Sachar. It’s one of the most accurate adaptations of a book into a movie, including most lines being lines from the book.
- I’m more of a writer than a reader.
- My favorite style of writing is short horror stories. I like to write them in a way that makes it feel cozy and spooky at the same time like we’re telling stories around the campfire.
- My go-to children’s book is The Monster at the End of this Book by Jon Stone. It’s a book with Grover from Sesame Street, and I love to read it to my nieces and nephews.
- My favorite childhood memory is my mom reading Little House on the Prairie by Laura Ingalls Wilder to us on summer vacation in a little cabin in the woods in Colorado while my brothers roasted marshmallows in a little potbelly stove.
- Growing up, I was sure I would be an astronaut or a teacher.
- My first job was a nanny. I was homeschooled so I spent most of my teenage years being a nanny for a lady in my neighborhood when I wasn’t doing school.
Louisa May Alcott’s Orchard House in Concord, Massachusetts. - My dream job is to be a full-time, published author.
- I like to spend my free time gaming, writing, or watching movies. I love losing myself in a storyline or world other than my own.
- The destination at the top of my travel bucket list is Scotland. It’s where my family is from originally. I would love to see the Highlands and to just explore the place my ancestors lived.
- The literary place I’d most like to visit is Louisa May Alcott’s childhood home. My favorite book as a teenager was Little Women, and I’ve always wanted to see the house that inspired the house in the book.
- If I could move anywhere in the world, I’d live in New England at some point. The fun, spooky vibes and the history alone would be worth it to me.
- If I was stranded on a desert island, the three things I would bring with me are water, food, and a tent.
- The one song I could listen to on repeat is “Hotel California” by the Eagles.
- The best gift I ever received was from my brother on Christmas. He gave me The Complete Sherlock Holmes (Illustrated) by Arthur Conan Doyle.
- The best gift I’ve ever given is to my niece. I gave her a Strawberry Shortcake t-shirt because she liked mine so much. She wears it almost every single day and insists I wear mine when she comes over.
- If you find me in the kitchen, I’m typically baking. Baking is therapeutic for me, so I bake when I’m stressed and I give away the results since I’m not a huge fan of sweets.
- If I could try any food from a book or series, it would be the enchanted Turkish Delight from The Chronicles of Narnia: the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe by C. S. Lewis. I would specifically want the enchanted kind, as I am not a huge fan of actual Turkish Delight, and I want to know what was special about it.
- The author (dead or alive) I’d most like to spend a day with is Emily Dickinson. I’d love to pick her brain a bit, ask her questions about her poetry, and maybe sit in her garden and discuss some of her poems.
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