The 2012-2013 school year was a busy time for Sigma Tau Delta, and there were MANY interesting and informative articles in our blog this year. In case you missed them, or if you just want a refresher for a head-start on next year, here is a selection of the most important articles from the past year.

Start by learning about preparing your chapter for next year with the article, Prepping Chapters for a New Year. Follow up by reading about ideas for chapter activities in Chapters: Get a Life, and of course get some ideas for your all-important fundraising efforts in In the Money: Tips and Tricks from the Fundraising Trenches.
Then learn about the 2014 Common Reader, the fall Common Reader Book Club, and the various opportunities to use the book to win awards and prizes in Announcing our 2014 Common Reader.
It’s never too early to start thinking about Your Chance to Win a Scholarship. While this article is from last year most of the information is still relevant. The official information about next year’s scholarships will be posted on August 15, and submissions open September 3 (and close November 11), so mark your calendars!
It’s also not too soon to start thinking about next year’s convention! Start with 2014 Convention to learn the basics. Submissions open September 30 (and close October 28). It’s a good idea to start thinking now about what you want to submit and how your chapter can encourage new members to submit. While the information is a little old because some rules will be changing this year, Hints for Successful Submissions has a lot of useful information. The 2014 Convention website will go live on August 15, so check back for information on changes at that time.
If you’re really ambitious, you also might want to think about identifying students who would make good Society-wide student leaders and helping them prepare applications and beef up their resumes. Learn more about these opportunities in Creating Community Through Student Leadership and Oh the Places You Could Go.