We the Animals, by Justin Torres

Every year, Sigma Tau Delta selects a book to be our Common Reader. This is a book that all Sigma Tau Deltans are encouraged to read, discuss, and use as a jumping-off point for service projects, scholarly papers, and other activities. There are special awards for chapter activities and convention papers based on the Common Reader, and incorporating the Common Reader into your activities may be beneficial on applications for a number of other individual and chapter awards.
This year’s Common Reader is We the Animals, by Justin Torres, a sensitive, episodic coming-of-age novel about three sons of a very young, struggling mixed-race couple in Upstate New York. It’s a complex and engrossing tale that is quick to read, but sticks in your head for a long time afterwards.

In order to help members understand and enjoy the book, and to give you a head start on planning for your convention papers and chapter events based on the book, the Student Leadership Committee will be hosting an online Common Reader Book Club. This will be a great place to discuss your reaction to the book and to get feedback from other students and faculty. There also will be daily discussions about ways to use the book for a paper, service project, social event, or other activity. You’ll be able to get advice directly from past and present Sigma Tau Delta Board members about the best ways to use the Common Reader to enhance your chances at winning an award, and, best of all, you can submit questions for the author, Justin Torres, who will be speaking at the 2014 Sigma Tau Delta International Convention in Savannah, GA.
The Common Reader Book Club officially opens on Monday, August 26, when we will post the first of our official daily discussion threads. You can begin at any time, however, simply by joining the Common Reader Book Club Facebook Group (and, of course, reading the book!). Post your initial thoughts about the book, generate a discussion with your fellow Sigma Tau Deltans, and start brainstorming ideas for how to get the most out of your Common Reader experience. We look forward to hearing from you!