Robert Durborow Student Advisor, 2014-2016 Pi Omega Chapter Northern Kentucky University, Highland Heights, KY My first impression of Simon Ortiz at the 2015...
by Sarah Dangelantonio 2015 Convention Chair Do I dare disturb the universe? Do I dare to eat a peach? Do I dare submit to the Sigma Tau Delta 2015 Convention...
by Morgan Mandriota Alpha Iota Omicron Chapter, St. Joseph’s College, NY “Welcome to Senior Thesis! ‘Abandon all hope ye who enter here...
Revised Deadline: January 31, 2014 Topic We are seeking entries for the Far Western Region’s page on the Society blog, WORDY by Nature. Contestants are...
by Kelsey Hixson-Bowles Student Advisor Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS I am a conference-going junkie. Seriously. I love presenting my research...