Laura Williams Alpha Mu Gamma Chapter Rockhurst University Kansas City, MO It was a dark and rainy Thursday as I slogged my way up the steps of Bishop Ward...
English Careers
Included are job postings, job seeking resources, career expos, and career advice.
by Kaitlynn Helm Chi Theta Chapter West Texas A&M University Canyon, Texas I truly encourage all Society members to apply for the summer internship with...
by Natalie Hallak Upsilon Omicron Chapter St. John’s University, Queens, NY Like many English majors, my idea of a perfect job is one where I get paid to...
by Katherine Williams Student Advisor, 2013-2015 Arkansas Tech University, Russellville, AR As a graduate with a bachelor’s in English and Creative Writing and...
by Colin Joseph Loeffler Midwestern Associate Student Representative, 2013-2014 North Central College, Naperville, IL Books have taken over my desk...