The first week of studying abroad in Madrid felt overwhelming. I sat on the floor of my host mom’s apartment, my suitcase still unpacked, and sobbed. I...
Tag - Study Abroad Scholarship
As English majors, I know a lot of us Sigma Tau Deltans love (and sometimes obsessively need) to be in the know, and to always be as prepared as possible. We...
In January of 2023, I spent three weeks in London studying English theatre on a course with my home institution, Luther College. About two weeks in, I knew I...
“I never thought I’d be here, you know? Standing in front of a classroom, teaching English to a bunch of eager faces.” English wasn’t...
All fall scholarship, internship, award, and grant submissions are being accepted now through November 6, 2023. The Study Abroad Scholarship provides up to...
Studying abroad at Royal Holloway-University of London (RHUL) for the fall semester was such an exciting experience. RHUL is in Egham, England, and is a short...
Please join us in congratulating Sigma Tau Delta members who recently have been named 2021-2022 Study Abroad, Summer Program, Chapter Project Grant, and...
The fall deadline for two excellent scholarship opportunities is fast approaching. Learn more about Sigma Tau Delta’s Summer Program and Study Abroad...
Applications for a variety of outstanding membership opportunities are now open! Application Due Dates: Oct. 28: Convention Submissions Nov. 11: Chapter...
Applications for the fall round of Summer Program and Study Abroad Scholarships are due on November 5, 2018. Summer Program Scholarship The Summer Program...