Kaylee Jo Stocks is the Associate Student Representative of Sigma Tau Delta for the Far Western Region. She attends Utah State University and is working on two...
Tag - Hogwarts
Loustella Perry also known as Lucy, is the Associate Student Representative of the Eastern Region of Sigma Tau Delta. She is an English Major with a Creative...
Machen Olson, the High Plains Student Representative, is a Senior at Newman University with a major in Secondary Education and a minor in English Literature...
Amanda Ayers is the 2018-2020 Student Advisor for Sigma Tau Delta. She is pursuing her MA in Rhetoric and Composition at Florida State University. While...
Tristan Wilson is a junior at Fort Hays State University in Hays, KS, double majoring in English and Secondary Education, and is also pursuing a minor in...
Lissa Heineman is the Sigma Tau Delta Eastern Region Associate Student Representative. She is a senior at Muhlenberg College, and is majoring in English and...