English Honor Societies is partnering with Little Free Library to create a global network of book-sharing libraries! Sigma Tau Delta and NEHS have already supported...
In my opinion, there is no formula for creating a successful collection or piece of literature. There is no checklist to follow, or plan to enact. I do, however, believe...
As English majors, I know a lot of us Sigma Tau Deltans love (and sometimes obsessively need) to be in the know, and to always be as prepared as possible. We love our...
I recently had the opportunity to spend my summer in Washington DC as an intern for the National Journalism Center (NJC). This internship puts emphasis on training truth...
Sigma Tau Delta’s Fall Awards Cycle will be open through November 11, 2024, 4:00 p.m. CT. During the 2024 Fall Cycle, applications are being accepted for the Long...