From a young age, I remember being drawn to the orange oval. Corduroy, Strega Nona, and The Tale of Peter Rabbit were all members of my childhood bookshelf...
English Careers
Included are job postings, job seeking resources, career expos, and career advice.
TMI About MFAs? As many English majors do, I have aspirations to enroll in an MFA program in creative writing after completing my undergraduate degree. For me...
As a senior publishing major and aspiring book editor, I’ve become pretty versed in the art of analyzing others writing. But when it comes to my own...
Summer internships offer students a unique opportunity: to gain practical, hands-on experience in a field, without detracting from schoolwork during the fall...
Sigma Tau Delta membership sometimes extends beyond chapters on traditional campuses in the United States. As an international organization, the Society has...