Last month Better World Books (BWB) issued a challenge to Sigma Tau Delta: if 13 more chapters would commit to running a fall book drive by Thanksgiving, BWB...
English Careers
Included are job postings, job seeking resources, career expos, and career advice.
by Joe Nelis Eastern Student Representative, 2012-2013 Xi Xi Chapter Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Indiana, PA Undergraduate English students are...
by Alexander Daley Far Western Student Representative, 2012-2013 Alpha Eta Gamma Chapter California Lutheran University, Thousand Oaks, CA I was truly...
by Alexander Daley Far Western Student Representative, 2012-2013 California Lutheran University, Thousand Oaks, CA “Words can light fires in the minds of men...
Women for Hire, and organization that provides career advice, tools, networking and guidance for women, is hosting two upcoming career expos: one in Los...