2013 Convention Society Wide

Tweet the Convention to Win Big

twitter-bird-light-bgsThe Tweet the Convention Contest is back by popular demand. We’ve changed things up to make the contest more fun while also making it easier to win!

Complete items on the Task List to earn points. The contestant with the most points at the end of the contest wins. It’s that simple!

Follow @EnglishCon on Twitter to get news about the Sigma Tau Delta 2013 International Convention and the Twitter contest. Subscribe to the EnglishCon2013 list to see all of the chatter among everyone at the convention. Make friends, make plans, have fun!

First place wins a $50 Amazon.com gift card! There will also be prizes for 2nd and 3rd place, and at the judges’ discretion there may be surprise superlative prizes for things like funniest tweet or best picture.

The Tweet the Convention Contest is a great way to interact with other convention attendees while also documenting your convention experience. Check out the full rules to learn how to enter.