2012 Convention Alumni English Careers Society Wide

The Resume Workshop is Back!

by Andrew Moser

Alumni Representative, 2009-2011

[email protected]

After the success of last year’s Alumni Epsilon-sponsored resume workshop, I’m proud to announce that it will be returning for the 2011 International Convention in Pittsburgh. Featuring a panel of Alumni Epsilon members, all of whom have real-world experience at creating stand-out resumes, the panel is perfect for seniors looking for that edge when it comes to getting their post-graduation career started, or for anyone just looking to increase their on-paper marketability in these difficult economic times. The workshop will answer all these questions and more:

  • How long should my resume be?
  • What exactly is a CV?
  • Can my mom be a reference?

If these are questions you’ve asked yourself while polishing up the ol’ resume, this workshop is for you. The workshop will be Saturday, March 26 at 2:30 pm. Keep an eye on the convention schedule for the room number, but make sure you attend what is sure to be another lively discussion filled with advice and maybe even a little bit of fun!