R.J. “Chaos” Durborow
Student Advisor, 2014-2016
Pi Omega Chapter
Northern Kentucky University, Highland Heights, KY
You know, I’m frequently asked why I am so committed to Sigma Tau Delta. Let me relate a recent experience that illustrates the point more eloquently than my poor command of the English language ever could. As some of you may have heard, Tim Leonard’s (Student Advisor) service dog, Ginger, is ill. I saw a post on Tim’s Facebook page which alerted me to the situation. I, as you might expect, posted a plea for prayers and good wishes on the Sigma Tau Delta Student Leader’s Facebook page. In less than an hour (47 minutes, to be precise) all six regions, the Central Office, and the Alumni Representative “liked” the post, acknowledging and supporting Tim and Ginger in their time of need. This may not seem like much, but to me (and I expect to Tim and Ginger) it was an act of truest friendship, of family.

We often hear new members and first-time convention attendees remark that they feel like they “fit” in Sigma Tau Delta more than in any other organization. That’s what happens when you get a bunch of English Geeks (NOT Greeks) together in one place. It’s not so much about the words as it is about the heart. I felt the same at my first convention. The feeling hasn’t faded.
Sigma Tau Delta is my family in ways I scarcely understand, but am grateful for to the core. My closest friends are members of this amazing organization. I love those beautiful people, more than I have words to express. Why am I so committed to Sigma Tau Delta? That’s why.
I am honored to be your Senior Student Advisor (SA), humbled at the quality of the Student Leaders I work with, grateful for the support and guidance of the Central Office and Board, and committed to Sigma Tau Delta till the day I die…longer, if I can manage it. Thank you all for who you are, what you stand for, and showing this poor poet that it’s about more than words.

All my best wishes to Ginger the Great, and to Tim too, of course.
This is touching and challenging. You make me feel and to see the Sigma Tau Delta as a community of caring and loving family and not just educational purpose. I believe that it is this love and care, which you have shown to Ginger that is makes so committed to Sigma Tau Delta. This is what a body of organization should be. The students care and love for each other should not end in the school society but wherever we found ourselves. Life is all about caring and loving one another. This is what we are created for.
Thank you for your write up and committed.
Sending my love to Ginger and Tim! I hope they’re both doing well.