2012 Convention Midwestern Region News

Midwestern Student Leadership Candidate

Emily Elizabeth Scott
Candidate for Midwestern Associate Student Representative, 2012-2013
Junior, Alpha Nu Pi Chapter, Western Michigan University, MI

Positions, other memberships, offices, etc., currently or recently held:

Chapter President

Explain why you are running for office and comment on any skills, experience, or personal qualities you possess that would contribute to your performing the following duties: promoting communication among chapters other than your own, producing official publications, assisting your Regent, serving on the Student Leadership Committee. Further comments or ideas are encouraged. Include your region and your first and last name at the top of the page. Please do not include sensitive personal information in your essay. Candidate essays will be displayed publicly before the election. Do not exceed 500 words:

As the president of my university’s chapter of Sigma Tau Delta, I am familiar with how the organization works on a local level, and am committed to forming strong relationships with other regional chapters in order to learn ways to better improve upon our own chapters. My experience as an editor for a student run publication “The White Goat,” as well as my two years of interning for WMU’s graduate literary magazine “Third Coast,” have prepared me well to work on our region’s publication “Ex Medio.” I know that as ambitious leader, effective communicator and creative student I am an excellent candidate for this position.