Meet the Deltans

Meet Sarah Hovet

Sarah Hovet is the Sigma Tau Delta Far Western Student Representative and President of the University of Oregon’s Alpha Tau Phi Chapter of Sigma Tau Delta. She is a fan of the Pacific Northwest’s natural beauty and a lover of good coffee. You can catch her scribbling poetry in the margins of her notebook instead of doing homework in Espresso Roma on any given rainy Oregon day.

  1. My favorite movie is Fight Club.Fight Club
  2. I never leave the house without my notebook.
  3. If I had to eat one food for the rest of my life, it would be sushi.
  4. Growing up, I was sure I would be a botanist.
  5. I know every word to the song Smells Like Teen Spirit,” by Nirvana.

  1. The best gift I’ve ever received was a mushroom-shaped Squishable.
  2. My nickname in high school was Hovercraft (because of my last name).
  3. If you find me in the kitchen, I’m typically whipping up pasta.
  4. I’m both a reader and a writer.
  5. The best paper title I ever created was “Articulating Apocalypse: Language Games and Representation Problems.”James Joyce Tower
  6. The literary place I’d most like to visit is James Joyce Tower.
  7. My dream job is United States Poet Laureate.
  8. An author I truly admire is David Foster Wallace.
  9. My go-to children’s book is Walk Two Moons by Sharon Creech.Walk Two Moons
  10. The destination at the top of my travel bucket list is the Amazon Rainforest.
  11. My favorite part of being an English Major/Minor is constant book recommendations!The Color Master
  12. The last book I read was The Color Master by Aimee Bender.
  13. My favorite book is The Argonauts by Maggie Nelson.
  14. My favorite bookstore is Powell’s City of Books in Portland, Oregon.Powell's City of Books
  15. In 10 years, I’m betting that the humanities/English major will be even more vital and versatile than ever, with options to specialize in comic studies, digital humanities, video game studies, disability studies, and more.
  16. My first job was interning in an electrochemistry laboratory.
  17. The last book I bought was Turned Inside Out: Reading the Russian Novel in Prison by Steven Shankman, but I have not yet read it.
  18. The celebrity I’d most like to spend a day with is Andy Warhol.Andy Warhol
  19. If I could move anywhere in the world, I’d live in Madrid, Spain.
  20. My Hogwarts House is Ravenclaw.Sarah Hovet