Meet the Deltans

Meet Mercedes Lubbers

Mercedes Lubbers is the High Plains Student Representative as well as Secretary and interim President for the Wichita State University Sigma Tau Delta chapter. She currently is applying to graduate school where she hopes to study postcolonial literature. Her first time out of Kansas in her 21 years of life occurred this year when she traveled by car to Kentucky for the Sigma Tau Delta 2017 International Convention and then shortly after flew to San Diego for a different conference.

  1. My favorite movie is Tangled.

  1. I never leave the house without a hair tie.
  2. If I had to eat one food for the rest of my life, it would be potatoes.
  3. Growing up, I was sure I would be a teacher.
  4. I do not know all of the words to any song.
  5. The best gift I’ve ever received was a new bookshelf.
  6. My nickname in high school was Sadie.
  7. If you find me in the kitchen, I’m typically whipping up dinner.
  8. I’m more of a reader.
  9. The best paper title I ever created was “The Tragicall History of Donald Trump: A Comparison between a Morality Play and 21st Century Politics.”
  10. The literary place I’d most like to visit is Illinois.
  11. My dream job is college professor.Maya Angelou
  12. An author I truly admire is Maya Angelou.
  13. I don’t have a go-to children’s book.
  14. The destination at the top of my travel bucket list is San Diego (again).
  15. My favorite part of being an English Major is because it has helped me to analyze texts better and to see more meanings in life that I wouldn’t have before.Omeros
  16. The last book I read was Omeros by Derek Walcott.
  17. My favorite book is Battle Royale by Koushun Takami.
  18. My favorite place to buy books is
  19. In 10 years, I’m betting that the English major will be on a slight incline.
  20. My first job was a cashier at Target.
  21. The last book I bought was They Say, I Say, but I have not yet read it.
  22. I honestly do not want to spend a day with any celebrity.
  23. If I could move anywhere in the world, I’d live in South Korea, probably.
  24. My Hogwarts House is Hufflepuff.

Mercedes Lubbers