Meet the Deltans

Meet Lissa Heineman

Lissa Heineman is the Sigma Tau Delta Eastern Region Associate Student Representative. She is a senior at Muhlenberg College, and is majoring in English and Film Studies. Her passions focus on transmedia, particularly animation and fan cultures. An interesting fact about Lissa is that she once cried on Neil Gaiman. She’s hoping to do a variety of things in the future, none of which include crying on idols! She dreams of archiving for a comic book publisher; obtaining an MFA in media-writing; learning more about writing for video games, television, film, and comics; and eventually pursuing a PhD in Cinema Studies.

  1. My favorite movie is Little Miss Sunshine.Little Miss Sunshine
  2. I never leave the house without a Pilot G2 pen.
  3. If I had to eat one food for the rest of my life, it would be Salmon sashimi.
  4. Growing up, I was sure I would be a writer.
  5. I know every word to the song “At the Beginning” by Richard Marx and Donna Lewis.

  1. The best gift I’ve ever received was my DSLR.
  2. My nickname in high school was Liss.
  3. If you find me in the kitchen, I’m typically whipping up chicken coconut curry over vermicelli.
  4. I’m both a reader and a writer.
  5. The best paper title I ever created was The Suburban Apocalypse: ‘Heathers’ and Temporal Paralysis in Reagan’s America.”
  6. The literary place I’d most like to visit is Diagon Alley.Diagon Alley
  7. My dream job is showrunner.
  8. An author I truly admire is Chuck Palahniuk.
  9. My go-to children’s book is Matilda by Roald Dahl.Matilda
  10. The destination at the top of my travel bucket list is Japan.
  11. My favorite part of being an English Major is the faculty on my campus.
  12. The last academic book I read was The Deathly Embrace: Orientalism and Asian American Identity by Sheng-Mei Ma, and the last pleasure book I read was The Mortal Engines by Phillip Reeve.
  13. My favorite book is Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman.
  14. My favorite bookstore is The Strand in Manhattan.
  15. In 10 years, I’m betting that the English major will be redirected toward studying readers’ receptions.Joss Whedon
  16. My first job was as an intern at Classic Stage Company.
  17. The last book I bought was American Psycho by Bret Easton Ellis, but I have not yet read it.
  18. The celebrity I’d most like to spend a day with is Joss Whedon.
  19. If I could move anywhere in the world, I’d live in Prague.
  20. My Hogwarts House is Ravenclaw.Lissa Heineman