Meet the Deltans

Meet Karen Larsen

Karen Larsen has worked as the Office Manager at Sigma Tau Delta for 12 years and loves what she does. She has a twin sister with the same married name! What are the odds? Karen has a very spoiled crippled cat at home who runs the show. She once owned a Bed & Breakfast and wishes she could go back in time. Karen has been happily married for 14 wonderful years! While she doesn’t consider herself a Harry Potter “fan”, she did read the first four books aloud to her daughter and has all the movies, but she’s only seen the first one!

  1. My favorite movie is Overboard.

  1. I never leave the house without my Cell Phone.
  2. If I had to eat one food for the rest of my life, it would be pasta.
  3. Growing up, I was sure I would be a teacher.
  4. I know every word to the song “I’ve Got You Babe” by Sonny and Cher.

  1. The best gift I’ve ever received was my daughter.
  2. My nickname in high school was PW—do you really need to know what it stands for? LOL!
  3. If you find me in the kitchen, I’m typically whipping up a protein shake.
  4. I’m more of a reader.
  5. My favorite book title is Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: An Inquiry into Values.Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
  6. The literary place I’d most like to visit is New England—I love reading books set there!
  7. My dream job is in the medical field.
  8. An author I truly admire is Dr. Seuss.
  9. My go-to children’s book is Go Dog Go.Go Dog Go
  10. The destination at the top of my travel bucket list is anywhere by cruise ship!
  11. My favorite part of working for Sigma Tau Delta is processing new memberships and merchandise orders. I know how hard the students work for this honor!Maze Runner
  12. The last book I read was The Maze Runner by James Dashner.
  13. My favorite book series is Twilight.Twilight
  14. My favorite place to buy books is at garage sales.
  15. In 10 years, I’m betting that the Sigma Tau Delta Central Office staff will all work from home and everything will be online. The convention will be televised and reach thousands of members.
  16. My first job was at a movie theater.
  17. The last book I bought was something by Denise Grover Swank, and I have read it (and am working on the second in the series now!).
  18. The celebrity I’d most like to spend a day with is Kurt Russell.
  19. If I could move anywhere in the world, I’d live in New Hampshire.
  20. I’m a Muggle.Karen Larsen