2012 Convention Alumni News Service Society Wide

Leadership Positions Available

by Lauren Brandeberry
Associate Alumni Representative, 2011-2012

Next year’s student and alumni leaders will be chosen at the the Sigma Tau Delta 2012 International Convention. These leaders are fundamental to shaping the direction of Sigma Tau Delta, and these positions represent a great opportunity for students to network, gain valuable leadership skills, and learn how Sigma Tau Delta functions at the regional and international levels. All active student and alumni members attending convention should be eligible to run for one or more
of these positions.

January 31 is the deadline for applications for Student Advisor. This is Sigma Tau Delta’s most prestigious and challenging student position, a two-year term as a full voting member of Sigma Tau Delta’s Board of Directors. Student Advisors guide and mentor all of the other student leaders and serve as advocates of student interests.

Student Advisor Duties and Application

In addition, Student Representatives and Associate Student Representatives will be elected to represent each of Sigma Tau Delta’s six regions, and an Alumni Representative and Associate Alumni Representative will be elected to represent alumni members. These representatives attend Board meetings, serve on committees, provide resources and leadership for their regions, produce the Student Leadership Blog, organize regional events, and help organize the annual convention. These positions are one-year terms, though incumbents may choose to run for a second term.

Elections for Student and Alumni Representatives will be held at the convention during the Formal Regional Caucuses on Friday, March 2. Applications to run for any of these offices will be accepted until Thursday, March 1, however candidates are encouraged to send them in before February 22 in order to take advantage of opportunities for online promotion.

Student Representative and Associate Student Representatives Duties
and Application

Alumni Representative and Associate Alumni Representative Duties and

All chapters attending convention will have a chance to vote for their region’s student leaders and can earn $200 by attending both regional caucuses and the General Business Meeting. More information on the candidates can be found at

For more information about running for office, or general information about the open positions and election procedures, contact
[email protected]