Alumni Events News

Lauren Brandeberry Candidate Profile

Lauren Brandeberry
Candidate for Associate Alumni Representative

Master’s Candidate, University of Central Oklahoma
Chi Gamma Chapter

Expected Date of Graduation:
May 2011
Year Inducted:
Current Profession:
Seeking Employment
Joined Alumni Epsilon:

How would you promote membership?
As the Student Advisor for the past two years, I have focused heavily on how to promote all of the benefits and opportunities Sigma Tau Delta provides. During this time I have also served on the Alumni and International Committee. I understand all how important promotion can be, the unique challenges that Alumni Epsilon faces, and the unique concerns of Alumni Epsilon members. I would take a two-pronged approach to promoting membership. I would try to spread the word about Alumni Epsilon and encourage people to join through the use of electronic resources. More importantly, however, I would try to entice people to join by creating and advocating for more benefits for alumni members and Alumni Epsilon members. I would like to see more opportunities for published alumni to showcase and promote their work, grants and awards more carefully tailored to the needs of alumni members, and greater networking opportunities for alumni.

How would you promote community among a diverse membership?
Through the expansion and promotion of alumni publications, improved utilization of Facebook and other social networking platforms, and increased responsiveness to the concerns of alumni members. As Alumni Epsiolon’s membership grows, I know we will face new and interesting challenges, but right now the organization is small enough that I can work directly with all of the members to promote the kinds of community activities that they would find interesting and beneficial, and I can respond directly and immediately to any concerns raised.

How would you utilize electronic resources in performance of your duties, especially as it relates to communication?
Thanks to my two years of experience as Student Advisor I am very familiar with Sigma Tau Delta’s Facebook page and the Alumni Facebook group, and I created the Student Leadership News blog, which includes the Alumni News. I would continue to utilize these platforms to disseminate information to the membership and to give them an avenue to communicate with me. I would also explore other resources such as web chats, Twitter, and Disapora.

Based on your knowledge of electronic newsletters, what vision do you have for an Alumni Epsilon edition?
I see the Alumni News publication as platform for many things; for informing the Alumni Epsilon membership of upcoming opportunities and events, for members to promote their own efforts and achievements, and for members to interact with each other and their representatives in an effort to grow the alumni community and respond directly to alumni concerns.