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Opportunity to Impact Lives through a BWB Internship

Sophie Hulen was the 2016 recipient of the Sigma Tau Delta/Better World Books Summer Internship. Read on to learn about her experience, and to see what you could gain from applying for the 2017 BWB Internship.

Child Reads Harry PotterOne Christmas, before I was even old enough to read them myself, I was given the first two books in the Harry Potter series. The attachment was strong and immediate. As the remaining books in the series were released, I repeatedly was at the front of the line for the next chapter, eager to learn the fates of my favorite characters and watch their stories unfold. In fact, during my childhood, I was more often seen with a Harry Potter book—or any other book to be perfectly honest—than on a sport’s field or with a video game controller in my hands. I loved—and still love—to read. But this love is not a luxury granted to many children in our country.

I learned of Better World Books’ literacy program through my chapter’s textbook drive. Here was a program that helped put books like Harry Potter in needy hands. Every time someone purchases a book from BetterWorldBooks.com, they donate a book through one of hundreds of non-profit organizations. Through the charitable work of Better World Books, our country’s children are more easily able to access the same material that has shaped who I am today. And this is why I was so excited to be granted the Sigma Tau Delta/Better World Books 2016 Summer Internship.

BWB InternshipBWB Internship

One of the greatest benefits of a BWB Internship was that my six-week program was not built around a set group of tasks. Due to my interest in writing and communication, I was put in charge of a competitive marketing analysis. This meant I would do extensive research of their clients and competitors, creating a comprehensive analysis of what BWB was doing well, and what could be done better. Through this project I was connected with several executive members of the company, included in national conferences over Google Hangout, and was able to speak with a few of the company’s United Kingdom partners as well. To conclude my time with Better World Books, I was given the opportunity to present my analysis at their annual international marketing meeting.

Not only was I given the chance to do work I enjoyed, I essentially was in charge of my own work. Although I was supervised by the head of the marketing department, she gave me the freedom any traditional employee would have been given. I was, and still am, extremely grateful for the level of respect granted to me by my supervisor, as well as the rest of the staff both in Alpharetta and other offices across the country and in the UK.

BWB InternshipI absolutely recommend this internship to other Sigma Tau Delta members. The interpersonal, research, and presentation skills I learned and practiced during this time will prove invaluable to me in the future, and I am extremely glad I was able to spend my summer with Better World Books, doing my part to ensure books continue to reach needy children around the world. I can only hope my efforts introduced to someone a book that will impact their life in a similar way to how Harry Potter impacted mine.

What will motivate you to apply for the 2017 summer BWB Internship?

2017 Summer Internship

February 6 is the application deadline for the Better World Books (BWB) six-week paid summer internship for undergraduate members of Sigma Tau Delta chapters that have run Better World Books textbook drives. The internship takes place in the Atlanta metro area beginning in May or June and ending in June or July. The recipient will work 30 hours per week, earning $10 per hour. Sigma Tau Delta will provide an additional $1,500 stipend to assist with travel and housing expenses.

View: Application Submission Instructions

Sophie HulenSophie Hulen
Chapter President
Alpha Xi Epsilon Chapter
Wittenberg University, Springfield, OH