2014 Convention Common Reader Society Wide

Convention Timeline

2014 Convention, River Current, LogoCongratulations to those of you that had a paper or roundtable presentation accepted to the 2014 Sigma Tau Delta International Convention in Savannah, GA! So what should you do now? Follow this handy schedule to make sure you are fully prepared to make the most out of your convention experience.

Right Away:

  • Accept your invitation to present.
  • Tell your Chapter Sponsor and your family that you have been accepted
  • Join the Facebook convention event.
  • Determine your remaining fundraising goals for your convention travel and develop a game plan and timeline for meeting those goals.
  • If you will be a student member for at least 2 more years, consider applying for a Student Advisor position.
Savannah Marriott Riverfront
Savannah Marriott Riverfront

Before January 21:

Before Feb 4:

  • If you haven’t already, register now before advanced registration closes on Feb 4.
  • Read over the convention website carefully. Check back frequently for updates. Become familiar with the schedule and begin figuring out what sessions you want to attend.
  • Begin preparing your Bad Poetry Contest entry.

Before Feb 19:

  • If you are flying or taking the train, make sure you have arrangements made for ground transportation upon your arrival in Savannah.
  • Find an awesome vintage 1920s red and black outfit for the special anniversary-themed gala dinner!
  • If you will be a student member for at least another year, consider running for Student Representative.

Follow us on Twitter to get important announcements about the convention, including schedule updates, surprise contests, impromptu pool parties, and more!