2012 Convention Convention Stories High Plains Region

Convention Story

by Nick Miller
High Plains Associate Student Representative, 2011-2013
Chadron State College, Chadron, NE

This was my first experience at a Sigma Tau Delta convention and to be honest, I was quite nervous. I served as ASR for the High Plains Region last year, but was elected at a regional conference, and as a result, I did not know what to expect once I got to New Orleans.  Initially, I was scheduled to leave Chadron on February 29th, but due to issues with the weather, my flight was delayed. I finally left Chadron early Thursday morning in a small propeller plane that held a maximum of roughly 20 people and had a short, but bumpy hour and a half flight to Denver International Airport.  I finally reached New Orleans at roughly 3:45 and had to reach the Marriott as soon as possible because the informal regional caucus was at 5:00. Thankfully, the airport shuttle driver got me to my destination without incident. [Read More]

If you would like to submit your own convention story, please contact Lauren Brandeberry