2012 Convention Convention Stories Far Western Region

Convention Stories

Every year, as part of the Save Our Stories Project, we ask students and Sponsors who attended the Sigma Tau Delta Annual International Convention to submit their own personal convention stories to be archived on our website. These stories serve as snapshots of our Sigma Tau Delta culture, and reflections on the things that make our annual convention so vital to that culture.

Throughout the summer and fall we will be featuring a number of different takes on this assignment to encapsulate the convention experience. These stories serve as funny, inspirational, and heartwarming reminders of what this organization and this event mean to our members. They are also a wonderful tool for explaining what the convention is all about to those who have never been. Whether you’re enticing new members to submit papers next year, persuading your department to give you travel funding, or encouraging the school paper to give your trip a little PR, these stories can help you back up the claim that this is far more than just another undergraduate academic conference.

If you would like to submit your own convention story, please contact [email protected].

More Things to Do, Mo’ Things to Learn

by Alexander Daley
Far Western Student Representative, 2012-2013
Alpha Eta Gamma Chapter
California Lutheran University, Thousand Oaks, CA

On our second-to-last night at the Sigma Tau Delta 2012 International Convention, my chapter decided to celebrate our presentations at The Funky Pirate on Bourbon Street. Between sets, the musician “Big Al” Carson commented that, “in New Orleans we have ‘Mo’; that’s ‘More’ for everyone else.” This statement encapsulates my entire experience in New Orleans.  Read more…