featured-Service Award 2017-3
Chapter Life Events Service Southwestern Region Submissions

Building up Literacy: Kingsville, TX, Housing Authority Project

Sigma Tau Delta Service AwardTexas A&M University—Kingsville’s Gamma Phi Chapter of Sigma Tau Delta received a Sigma Tau Delta Service Award for its Building up Literacy Project, which encourages children in the Kingsville Housing Authority‘s After School Program to read more.

Inspired by Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library, Gamma Phi decided to work on the promotion of literacy in their local community by collecting children’s books to donate to the Kingsville Housing Authority.

In the fall semester of 2016, Gamma Phi members wrapped donation boxes in red paper. These boxes were then distributed in strategic locations throughout the campus. Members would gather the donations weekly, eventually collecting approximately 250 books.

Gamma Phi members decided to go one step further by constructing and painting bookshelves to donate along with the books, essentially allowing them to donate a complete reading library for the Kingsville Housing Authority’s After School Program. They built eight bookshelves, painting them in bright primary colors: orange, yellow, green, and blue.

On April 12, 2017, Gamma Phi members transported the books and shelves to the Kingsville Housing Authority, formally presenting the donation to the children and staff of the After School Program.

At the Induction Ceremony and Senior Celebration Banquet, on April 29, 2017, members were happy to present a plaque commemorating the donation, along with the $500 check from the Sigma Tau Delta Service Award, to representatives from the Kingsville Housing Authority. It was a wonderful way to wrap up such a worthwhile project.

PWrightPamela Wright
2017 Service Award Recipient
Gamma Phi Chapter, Chapter Sponsor
Texas A&M University—Kingsville, Kingsville, TX

Sigma Tau Delta Service Award

Applications due by April 9, 2018

Sigma Tau Delta’s Service Award honors local chapters performing exemplary community service projects and benefit the agencies served by those chapters. The Society will make a limited number of awards, each of which will consist of a plaque for the chapter and a contribution of up to $500 to the agency. Winning chapters may also receive up to $350 in travel assistance for sending at least one student representative to the annual convention to participate in a workshop and/or roundtable. Winning chapters are encouraged to share a chapter exhibit at the convention.

Apply for a Service Award