2012 Convention Society Wide

Board Meeting Reflection 4

Sarah Faulkner
Far Western Region Student Representative, 2011-2012
Chapman University

The Big Easy, NOLA, Nawlins, and The Crescent City: all different names for one amazing city! The people are incredibly friendly; the minute I got off the plane everyone was asking me how I was and if I needed anything.  The Marriott is a gorgeous hotel, with the swanky lobby and high-tech elevators, beautiful pool and spacious rooms! After the amazing work done by the Board, I was thrilled to see the city! Bourbon Street, Frenchmen Street, the St. Charles Streetcar, Seafood Festival, it was all fantastic!  It is a perfect spot for our convention, very literary and full of character and inspiration! I’m looking forward to going back soon for more beignets and coffee, and, of course, more time with the wonderful people of Sigma Tau Delta!